These great images come from a billboard I snapped just up from South Kensington
tube, and the website [].
In one of the most interesting developments in
In a syndicated news story by Rukmini Callimachi, (viewable here
), we learn that each night, children in Conkary, Guinea head to the car park
CJ Lim [],
experimental architect and Director of International Development at the Bartlett
School of Architectre, has created ‘Sky Transport for London’
While the timing may differ, everyone is agreed that imminently, more than half
the population of the Earth will live in cities. Thoraya Obaid, executive
director of the UN Population Fund, proclaims that
Buildings not homes [] is a
zine put together by illustrator Alexander Egger.
In his own words:
> "Interventions in public architecture. Helicopters, policemen, slogans, burning
cars at