The recent exhibition at Vitsoe of the design work by Otl Aicher for the Munich
72 Olympics took my breath away.
Designed by Bibiliotheque [], to coincide
with the
Can I be the first to suggest that the design by Future Systems for the
Library of the Czech Republic
I've been tinkering around with Yahoo Pipes [], a way of
connecting and combining web services. My first Pipe is to run the Kosmograd
newsfeed feed through Flickr,
I'm kicking myself that I didn't get along to check out Switched On London
[], where various London landmarks were given
creative lighting treatments. Fortunately
The trouble with a tabula rasa is that the tabula is rarely rasa after all.
Adu Dhabi has unveiled it's plans for a cultural district on Saadiyat Island
("Happiness Island&