Closer investigation of Stephen Gill's website reveals an intriguing portfolio
of projects, including the Billboards project, contrasting the aspirational
messages on the front with the quotidian reality that lies behind.
For your viewing pleasure, I have created a Flickr set of 341 images of
by Hugh Ferriss []
They are taken from the collection available
With this level of detailed modeling (over 1 million polygons) and advanced
photo-realistic rendering, it makes the act of building a rather redundant step.
Which is fine for an unbuilt Mies project, but
At auction house Jeschke, Hauff & Auvermann in Berlin, on November 13th 2007 is
an auction of 123 photographs from the prewar ouevre of Mies van der Rohe. Now
my understanding is that
Just a quick note to mention the launch of a new collaborative weblog, called
Superspatial [], that I am involved in.
Superspatial will focus on architecture, urbanism and architectural speculation,