Currently on at Tate Modern is an exhibition, Celebration Park
[], by French artist
Pierre Huyghe.
A strange mixture of images, neon signs, and films, it
A superb video from the recent TED conference
[], as Joshua
Prince-Ramus, formerly Director of OMA's US Office, presents 3
As noted elsewhere [], Mark magazine
[] is a pretty special addition to the panoply of
architectural magazines.
The latest issue, 3, and making it worth the
Inspired by the rant at BldgBlog
[] about
architectureal criticism, here are some more things that may or not be
Projections and illuminated signage, translucent
"LOOK AT THAT!" shrieks loudmouth TV presenter/gob-for-hire Janet Street-Porter,
as she approaches what passes for the town centre of Cumbernauld in Scotland.
Later on, in a rare quieter moment, she