The web site of Branislav Kropilak [] now features
larger scale images of the beautiful parking garages series, and the stunning
billboards series of photographs.
In the Garages [http://www.
Over the last few years the Channel 4 idents have become a ubiquitous presence
for UK viewers, making it easy to take for granted their visual significance.
In these idents, the camera moves
"Investors wanted", reads the link on the website for Victory City
For over 70 years, the brilliantly named Orville Simpson II has been dreaming of
the utopian
This has been around now for a while, but is still worth revisiting. The Eureka
Car Park, in Melbourne, features a signage system created by Axel Peemoeller
image by Flickr user manicstreetpreacher
Thanks to Rob over at No. 2 Self
[], we can enjoy a remarkable
TV programme,