Over at sister blog SuperSpatial [http://superspatial.blogspot.com], you'll find
a calvacade of inanity, including:
016. Reimagining Robin Hood Gardens
> Robin
(images by Flickr user moreikura [http://www.flickr.com/photos/ikura/])
Robin Hood Gardens, like Euston Arch before it, will take its secret to its
Last week, 'architecture minister' Margaret
As further evidence of my loosely constructed theory that Hertfordshire is
England's own Inland Empire, a liminal interzone with a dark Lynchian
underbelly, we learn that drug gangs are moving out
OMA's Ole Scheeren was interviewed for Nightwaves on BBC Radio 3, on 26th March
2008, talking about the CCTV building in Beijing.
Scheeren speaks eloquently of the issues faced in building
What will be built in the Thames Gateway? Will it be more like Broadacre City or
Carpet City?
The Thames Gateway is an ideological battlefield. It is the stage upon which all