Over at sister blog SuperSpatial [http://superspatial.blogspot.com], you'll find
a calvacade of inanity, including:
016. Reimagining Robin Hood Gardens
> Robin
Chinese artist Cao Fei, AKA China Tracy, has an exhibition of her Second Life
installation RMB City at Lombard Freid Projects [http://www.lombard-freid.com/]
in New York from February 29th to April
Margaret Hodge, UK architecture minister, on modernist architecture:
> "When some concrete monstrosity - sorry, I mean modernist masterpiece - fails to
make the cut despite having expert opinion behind it, let&
Another Brutalist landmark is under threat of demolition. This time it's Robin
Hood Gardens in Poplar, East London. Designed by Alison and Peter Smithson, and
completed in 1972, it looks likely
Here are a few recent paintings by Zaha Hadid, from a show at the Galerie
Buchmann. (see Flickr set here
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/kosmograd/sets/72157603899282200/]). There were
also some of