> "Branding, it could be said, is the greatest gift commerce has given to culture"
So said Wally Olins, on the blog of Saffron Consultants, recently appointed to
create the brand
Operating at the intersection of data visualisation and urbanism, the Atlas work
of Dutch book designer Joost Grootens is without peer. At its best, graphic
design and data visualisation reveals new truths, ways
In Felix Barber and Ralph Hyde's superb book London as it might have been, we
can read of a Victorian plan to change the structure of the London boroughs,
part of
Koolhand [http://type.fwis.com/koolhand] is a free experimental typeface
designed by Chris Papasadero inspired by some of the architecture of Rem
Koolhaas. In it, plans and sections are treated as typographical
Last week I popped along to the exhibition 'London's Towns'
[http://www.newlondonarchitecture.org/londonstowns/] at the Building Centre in
London. Subtitled "Shaping the Polycentric City", (download