During the first few minutes of the rather curious documentary Around the world
in 60 minutes, shown recently on BBC Four, there is a stunning short sequence of
the Space Shuttle Atlantis (mission
In a similar realm to the virtual bleeding into the real
[https://newsfeed.kosmograd.com/the-virtual-bleeds-into-the-real/] (still the most popular post
on this blog), these amazing images of St. Petersburg
Spend any time on FFFFound [http://ffffound.com/], and you'll probably come
across this image sooner or later:
Seemingly defying gravity, an impossible cantilever, a tethered spaceship made
from corrugated iron
The web site of Branislav Kropilak [http://www.kropilak.com/] now features
larger scale images of the beautiful parking garages series, and the stunning
billboards series of photographs.
In the Garages [http://www.
Hidden Towns, by Austrian photographer Gregor Graf, offers a fascinating view of
the contemporary city. With careful retouching, Graf removes his images
completely of signs and symbols.
What is left is unsettling, the