London's Kerning, by NB Studio
[], is a map of London
composed entirely of type. The city is rendered as pure typography.
In contrast,
The city council of São Paulo has banished all street advertising. Where once
stood garish billboards extolling the virtues of Heineken, Nivea Visage, or a
Seat Toledo, now all that remains are the
The story of these home-owner holdouts reminds me of the infamous house that
sits in the middle of the M62, the motorway that crosses the Penines between
Manchester and Leeds. At Stott Hall
As part of an investigation of new urban typologies I am undertaking as part of
TeamHelsinki [] for the Greater Helsinki
2050 [] competition, I came
China's Jinbao Daily reports, via Ananova
[], that developers have
turned a house into an island in China after the owner refused