I'm currently reading Fallingwater Rising
by Franklin Toker, the 'biography' of the infamous house, and it set me to
wonder whether
> "How do I get to Broadway? ...I want to get to the center of things"
"Walk east a block and turn down Broadway and you'll find the
Continuing on the theme of Constructivist sculpture in Rotterdam, there is this
remarkable piece by Coop Himmelblau, first built in 1988 and still present
today. Called the Long Thin Yellow Legs of Architecture,
Following on from the previous post [https://newsfeed.kosmograd.com/boompjes/] about OMA's
Boompjes project from 1980, here is the amazing image of the observation tower
that formed part of the
My favourite architectural image is on display at the moment. Seeing something
'in the flesh' that you've looked for so long in a book was one of those