As part of an investigation of new urban typologies I am undertaking as part of
TeamHelsinki [] for the Greater Helsinki
2050 [] competition, I came
The fractal dimension of the Gulf coast is increasing.
Inspired by the recent pamphlet, The Gulf
[] by Rem Koolhaas and
AMO, my current obsession is
Over at the Venice Superblog [] are a number of
great interviews with various architects and architectural thinkers from the
Venice Biennale.
I was particularly taken with this interview between
Great stuff over at, where Tim Chapman interviews Iain Sinclair
[] about JG
Amongst the tit-bits are mention of a new Iain Sinclair book City of
Pripyat: City of the Future is a short film by David Bickerstaff about the
Ukranian city of Pripyat, built in the 1970s for workers at the Chernobyl
Nuclear Power Plant. As the reactor